3 Reasons Why Healthcare HVAC Systems Are Essential
If you are a facility manager for a healthcare organization, then you should be aware of just how important it is that your HVAC systems run as designed. If they do not, it could end up making every doctor, nurse, patient, and visiting guest sick. Here are some of the most compelling reasons why HVAC systems are imperative in a healthcare setting.
One of the most important reasons to have a properly functioning HVAC system is to neutralize odors. That’s because the system helps circulate the air, removing old, stale air and replacing it with fresh, clean air. Given the different treatments, illnesses, and procedures that are constantly occurring at a hospital or clinic, it’s easy to see how the air would become polluted so quickly if your HVAC system were to fail.
Washing your hands and wearing face masks can only do so much to protect your body from germs. Maintaining and upgrading the HVAC systems in your healthcare facility can help slow down the spread of germs. It could also help control the spread of bacteria and viruses, therefore preventing an infectious outbreak on your premises. Pathogens can be transmitted through the air even quicker than through ingestion, injection, or through bodily fluids. And it’s harder to control, too. A step you can take to combat the spread of pathogens is to replacing old filters to get rid of clogs. Clogs and blockages can hinder the functionality of your HVAC system. Clearing these blockages helps stop bacteria and other microorganisms from reaching different parts of the facility even when quarantine procedures are in place.
People in hospitals or clinics are most likely suffering from some kind of pain or discomfort. The last thing you want is to add more negativity to their experience. When your HVAC system is running smoothly, you can control indoor temperatures and air quality to ensure that everyone in your facility is as comfortable as possible. It is also important to keep computers and equipment in a temperature-controlled environment so that they run properly and reliably.
If your facility’s HVAC system fails unexpectedly, Hunton Services can help. We have an entire team dedicated to Emergency Services and rental equipment that is available to support you 24/7. Not only do we rent HVAC equipment, but we can provide generators, dehumidifiers, etc.
To avoid an emergency situation and any possible discomfort to your facility’s occupants, make sure to schedule routine inspections and maintenance of all your HVAC equipment. At Hunton Services, we offer both Preventive Maintenance and Full Maintenance contracts. Contact us today and we will make sure your facility stays up and running no matter what.
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