Maintaining Comfortable Office Temperatures for Employees This Winter
One of the quickest ways to reduce employee morale and productivity is to leave them in uncomfortable working conditions. Keep an eye on how warm or cold it is inside the office. After all, constant temperature fluctuations could make reactions to allergens in the air much worse. Here is a look at the effect that temperature has on your office workers.
Finding the right temperature for the office is incredibly important for the sake of occupant comfort. While it’s easy enough for your employees to wear short sleeves and fewer layers in the spring and summer and bundle up in fall and winter, the temperature inside should be comfortable for everyone. Adjusting wardrobes, turning fans on and off, and spending time trying to make their environment more comfortable may keep employees from completing their work efficiently. If your building occupants are unhappy or distracted due to the temperature, they will be unable to focus on necessary tasks and office workflow will suffer accordingly.
While OSHA has never issued official guidelines on optimal office temperature ranges, it is true that some ranges tend to work better than others. Try setting the temperature somewhere between 68 degrees and 76 degrees. This depends on the season and the weather outside, as some days in late December can still be warmer than others, especially while the sun is still out. You will also want to monitor the humidity in your office. The cold winter months tend to be less humid, and although this can inhibit the growth of mold and other microorganisms hiding in the ducts of your HVAC system, it can still cause health problems for your employees. Make sure the humidity levels are somewhere between 20% and 60%.
What better way to find out what your employees think than to ask them? Send out a survey and ask them how comfortable they feel. If need be, pass this information along to building owners and property managers. Also, it is usually best not to allow employees to touch the thermostat. This could lead to “temperature battles” which could cause office conflicts and decrease your system’s efficiency. Lastly, make sure all necessary repairs and other maintenance tasks are done in a timely fashion.
Hunton Services is committed to helping building owners, property managers, engineers, and facility professionals lower their operating costs through HVAC preventive maintenance. We will develop a customized preventive maintenance plan for your building that will offer you peace of mind, improved occupant comfort, and energy savings. Call today for a quote!
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