The Importance of Maintaining Data Center HVAC Systems During Winter
Keeping your computer networks safe during winter can be especially difficult during the cold. You need to make sure they don’t freeze, because any damages will make them inoperable and your business could lose face with customers and clients. The best customer service begins with the best possible preventive maintenance for the HVAC systems in your building and that includes the data center, even if it isn’t a separate building.
When your employees are too cold, they won’t be productive. Similarly, if your server rooms are too warm, then the systems won’t work. During other times of the year it’s important to keep your building occupants comfortable. Even so, you can’t ignore the heating system challenges you face when you try to keep your HVAC units operational – so what does this mean? The data needs to be cooled, but the rest of the building needs to be warm.
Merely stopping the vents is not a good idea because there needs to be a balance kept for the building to be comfortable for everyone in it. The heating system for the rest of the building clashes with the cooling infrastructure set aside for the server room, which can cause undue strain on the overall HVAC system and cause it to fail. Your company might not be able to withstand the downtime that results.
Fortunately, there are numerous ways you can solve these dilemmas. To prevent future problems, you can rely on your Hunton Services as your preventive maintenance partner. Schedule an inspection and any necessary repairs that the inspection reveals to take place during the winter. This is especially important if you neglected to have any repairs completed during the fall, as you will definitely want to be sure everything is in fine working order when spring and summer return and new challenges arise.
Next, comply with the latest standards suggested by the American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers or ASHRAE. When you do, you’ll find that your HVAC system is much more efficient and encounters fewer problems.
One last suggestion is to speak to your Hunton Services sales representative about the possibility of installing a computer room air conditioner, or CRAC system. The CRAC system is much more useful for larger data centers, but that doesn’t mean your smaller data center can’t benefit from it.
Hunton Services is committed to helping you lower your operating expenses through preventive maintenance. We can develop a cost-effective, customized preventive maintenance plan for your HVAC equipment assets that will provide you with peace of mind, improved comfort, and energy savings.
To learn more about the importance of HVAC Preventive Maintenance, please contact us at 713-643-8336 or
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