November 7, 2017
Harvey Recovery Hunton Proud
Many of Hunton’s employees and customers are still in the process of flood recovery and post-Harvey home and building repairs. Though Hunton suffered minimal damage to our physical businesses, many of our customers and employees lost irreplaceable memories, homes, and vehicles. Though we have witnessed devastation from Harvey, Houston and Hunton have seen the absolute best in its people.
Our Hunton employees alone volunteered over 470 hours of their personal time and donated hundreds of goods to help others! Our generous employees donated over $50,000 to help our Hunton families in need. Our Trane brothers and sisters came through and donated water, food, and supplies.
Thank you to Trane, and all others who have donated time, money, and services to rebuild this city.
Here is are some employee testimonials:
“My Family and I wish to thank everyone in the Hunton Group Family for their generous and heartfelt help through this time. The true understanding, compassion and human effort was a beacon helping all in this dark situation. We are very thankful for the help which I received, and the feeling of being a part of the Hunton Family has strengthened my faith in the decision to stay in Houston and build a new life here. The positives which came out of this tough time have brought this “family” even closer. The stories I have heard and continue to hear demonstrates #HuntonCares. And the most impressive part of the Hunton Family is their professionalism, With flood waters still on the streets, power still out, and families displaced the Hunton Group was present and available for their customers without excuses, justifications, or delay. This is…#HuntonStrong!”
“We are very grateful for the support that the Hunton Family has given us and are very blessed. We carry everyone in our prayers. It’s a long road ahead for those of us affected by these storms, but together we will get to normality soon…! Thanks again, God Bless you!”
“My family would like to thank you all for the donations they have received after losing everything they had during Hurricane Harvey. My family is very blessed to have your support during this time and we can’t express how much we appreciate everything you all have done for us! We appreciate it very much!”
“On behalf of myself and family I want to thank you for your generous donation. Words cannot express my gratitude. Alan Cohan said, ‘Money is but one venue for generosity. Kindness is an even more valuable currency.’ May the Lord bless each of you for the kindness and generosity you have shown my family and me. I am truly blessed to be a part of the Hunton Family.”
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