(713) 643-8336


The Science of Clean Air

Filtration controls contaminants by reducing their concentrations to acceptable levels or by removing them from the air stream altogether. Filtration takes two forms reflecting two general types of contaminants: particulate and gaseous.

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) issues often stem from the poor quality of the outside air being drawn upon, particularly in urban areas. In this scenario, ventilation air drawn in can be contaminated with ultra-fine particles (UFPs), odors, and exhaust fumes.

To moderate the impact of particles, VOCs, and odors, Hunton Services uses dynamic air cleaner filtration systems. These systems employ an active-field polarized media and particle agglomeration to remove even the smallest particles from the air. This best of breed filtration technology captures ultra- fine particles or odor and ensures the air within the building is clear, even if the exterior air is not. At Hunton Services, we understand the science of clean air. Contact us today to ensure the air you are breathing is up to your standards…and ours.

Hunton Services Indoor Environmental Solutions (IES) filtration services include:

Contact Us

Hunton Services
5622 Luce Street
Houston, TX 77087

(713) 643-8336

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